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Desire is natural—let’s bring it back to nature.  


thorn is a sexual wellness brand dedicated to fostering intimacy: with self, with partners, with our earth. We source and craft plant-based products that get you in touch with the beauty of incorporating the natural world into your sex life. 


The mesmerizing grain of a wooden dildo, the tug of a hemp rope’s every fiber against your skin, the intoxicating aroma of an aphrodisiac blend—plants offer us a garden of earthly delights. And every time we opt to bring ethically-sourced, sustainable, plant-based products into the bedroom, we return the favor by making sex an act of radical care for our planet (in addition to an amazing session).


Sustainable, ethical materials & production  


​No animal products 


Minimal plastics 


Slow, small, artisanal craft 


Ethical sourcing 


Honor traditional ecological knowledge

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